Stacey Ashley
5 min readJan 10, 2025


How has your 2025 started?

For some, it seems like they have rocketed out of the starting gate and are charging through the first quarter. For others, they are still enjoying the holiday break with family and friends.

Whichever one is you, these resources from my 12 Days of Christmas complimentary giveaway will be useful. They are all designed to support your leadership of self, of your tribe, and your organisation.

I am sharing a number of my best-selling books as e-books. There are some great coaching questions, a few e-workbooks to help you to reflect and focus on what is going to make the real difference for you in your leadership, or which you might like to share with your team.

Download as many as you like to support you and your people in 2025.

You’re on Mute eBook

As the world scrambled to move business operations online with the outbreak of COVID, and people were challenged to become familiar with a new way of working, ‘You’re on Mute’ became one of the most used phrases in business around the globe.

Are you still on mute? This book asks the important questions to help you optimise your leadership presence, influence, and authority online.

Download your copy: https://staceyashley.com/YOM-eBook

Leadership Performance Boost: 28 Day Self-Coaching Challenge

As we enter 2025 and the year starts to take off, are you looking for ways to give your leadership and coaching a boost? Take the 28 Day Self-Coaching Challenge now and have the results delivered straight to your inbox!

Join today!

The 3R’s of Leadership

Have you ever wondered what your purpose is as a leader, or where you need to be going, or how to get there?

Then you need to ask yourself these 3 key questions — The 3R’s.

These questions will enable you to build a plan of how you get from where you are to where you want to be.

Download The 3R’s now at: https://staceyashley.com/the-3rs

The New Leader eBook

The New Leader offers practical tools, ideas, and strategies for new leaders, and leaders of leaders, to implement immediately.

You will build a toolkit to focus your time and effort on the right things at the right time in the right way and set you up for an easier transition to leadership success right now.

Download your copy today: https://staceyashley.com/tnl-ebook

5 Powerful Questions

These 5 POWERFUL QUESTIONS will help you to discover what’s important, beat procrastination and build accountability quickly.

Download the 5 Powerful Questions: https://staceyashley.com/5questions

Power Up eBook

This book offers 12 simple ideas to nourish your leadership energy, outlook and wellbeing. Develop your energy, positivity, resourcefulness, outlook, and resilience. What a great way to start 2025!

Download your copy: https://staceyashley.com/power-up-ebook

First Lead Yourself eBook

First Lead Yourself offers practical tools, ideas, and strategies for leaders to elevate their own daily practice of leadership, to become and to be leaders. Drawing from a range of fields, you will find easy to implement opportunities for you to build your toolkit and grow your leadership of self.

Download the First Lead Yourself eBook here: https://staceyashley.com/fly-ebook

30 Questions for Leading in Possibility

If you are not sure what it is to lead in possibility, then my 30 questions for leading in possibility are a great way to get you started, help you continue, or support you on your journey of leading possibility. Create the future today!

Download your copy of these questions today: https://staceyashley.com/30-questions

Special report: How to Transform Your Organisation with Coaching

Would you like to help your leaders build accountability and capability by asking the right questions, moving from problem-solving to value-adding? Request a copy of my Special Report — How to Transform Your Organisation with Coaching to find out more.

Get your copy today: www.staceyashley.com/wp-org-coach

28 Days Self-Coaching Challenge eWorkbook

Email inbox overloaded? Would you prefer to be able to reflect in your own time, away from a screen?

This eBook allows you to take my 28-day self-coaching challenge in a handy book format! Take notes on your device or print it out and write down your reflections.

Take the 28-Day Challenge without adding to your daily emails:

Show Up21 eBook

How do leaders face up to the current challenges and be high performing?

Here are 5 practical strategies to help you activate your leadership and rise to the challenge. These simple actions will make it easier for you to be an effective and successful leader.

Download your copy today: https://staceyashley.com/SU21-ebook

Revitalise your Leadership: 12 steps to help you coach yourself to success

In this workbook, I share 12 self leadership ideas for you to consider, and help you coach yourself to success.

Download your copy: https://staceyashley.com/12rs-wb

If you find that what you need isn’t here, then I’d be happy to have a quick chat with you and see how I can help.

Wishing you a happy new year and a wonderful 2025. I look forward to connecting very soon.

Chat with me



Stacey Ashley
Stacey Ashley

Written by Stacey Ashley

Focused on future proofing CEOs, Dr Stacey Ashley CSP is a Leadership Visionary. Stacey is often described as the leader for leaders.

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