If you had a leadership opportunity for yourself, would you use it?

Stacey Ashley
3 min readSep 16, 2022

This experience is all about you.

Are you a leader trying to navigate your way through an ever-changing, ever-accelerating, complex, challenging world?

Are you wondering how you’re going to keep it up for the years ahead as you lead the marathon of change?

Leading significant change and transformation is no easy task. Leaders need to champion the change, share the vision, and maintain a focus on now as well as the future, while coping with the highs and lows of operating in rapidly evolving situations.

After months and years of being attention out, giving generously to the people and world around them, leaders are feeling the effects of leading enormous change.

The Leading Possibility Experience provides support for your leadership of self, creating a sustainable way for you to lead, so you continue to show up every day. You will develop your energy, positivity, resourcefulness, outlook, and resilience.

Is it time to focus on you?


➥ Executive Leaders
➥ Senior Leaders
➥ Middle Leaders
➥ Business Owners
➥ Program Leaders
➥ Transformation and Change Leaders

Right now I‘m hearing from leaders they need some time and space which is all about them.

This Leading Possibility Experience is intended to elevate the energy and mindset of your leadership, by providing you with the time and space to simply be.

I’ll also share some learning and group activity, along with support, community, and insights.

This is an opportunity to find a clear and sustainable way forward for yourself and your leadership.

If this sounds like it’s just what you’re looking for, I’d love you to let me know you’re interested.

The Experience isn’t finalised yet. It’s an idea I am developing, and this is what I am considering so far:

🏝️ Plenty of time and space for you. Whether for yoga, a massage, facial, a walk on the beach, or simply quiet time to reflect and recentre. We will have choices available for you.
⌚ Time to connect with each other. An engaging networking opportunity with peers, in a small group setting.
⚡ I’ll help you to reactivate your energy, and keep replenishing it with simple strategies and ideas to support you, now and in future.
🔎 I’ll help you find your focus and priorities for the period ahead.
🧘 Some of our group activities and learning may be optional so, if you choose, you can have more individual time to nurture yourself.
👥 Perhaps an opportunity to work one-on-one with me, if you’re interested.
🥕 Great healthy food, and fresh air.
🍽️ Optional dinner on Saturday night.
🤝 The opportunity to stay connected after the Leading Possibility Experience event.
💡 Other things as I think of them, and with your input.
🙋‍♂️ This is all about you and how you First lead Yourself, so you can lead others


⦿ Friday night arrival, ready for a Saturday & Sunday Experience in the first quarter of 2023
⦿ Sydney Beachside Venue
⦿ Investment is anticipated to be in the range of $3 000 — $3 900 + GST including accommodation and most meals

Register your Expression of Interest here: https://ashleycoaching.com.au/leading-possibility-experience



Stacey Ashley

Focused on future proofing CEOs, Dr Stacey Ashley CSP is a Leadership Visionary. Stacey is often described as the leader for leaders.